Saturday, March 12, 2011

The count down is on

Cape Woolamai, Phillip Island, Victoria Australia
One of my favourite places
in the world
Cape Woolamai, Phillip Island, Victoria Australia
One of my favourite places

I booked my ticket to Australia just a few weeks ago. It's unbelievable that two years has already passed since the last Kneeboard Surfing World Titles . This year the contest is being held in Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia. I arrive in Melbourne, Sunday March 20th, unfortunate that I will miss the opening ceremonies, but none the less very excited to attend this event. It's going to be a great week, catching up with friends I've made over the past few years through kneeboard (surfing), surfing the Island, getting some sun, and maybe a few coopers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

10 Year High School Reunion 2009

Maile, my best mate from high school, whom I have not seen much in the past 5 years, ended up in Australia last July....We met up and reminisced about days past, especially those from high school. Ten years after high school graduation, did we ever think we'd end up where we were?

We took a walk in Manly, past Shelly Beach, up the headland and around a few of the tracks. We sat at the wharf and ate hot chips and had a few coopers. A night ride on the ferry through the harbour and to the Rocks.

Lookout from the headland. Northern Beaches beyond.

Opera House

Revisiting Australia.

Weekend down in Sanctuary Point, Winter in Aussie.
Food and friends, a few of my favourite things.

Thursday, July 9, 2009



So I have settled in Cronulla for a while, renting a friends flat while she is in Bali. So far so good, now all I need is some good surf.
I have landed a job as part of the functions and waitstaff in a motor boat club, and also another one in a restaurant, which starts next week. A much appreciated change from the dirty ditch dwelling I have been doing.

Where I used to live in Sooke BC, the local pub had a sign up for weeks that said "BUY A BEER WIN A CHAINSAW!".....
Cronulla is very different from Sooke, there are many well dressed young parents, pregnant and pushing baby strollers. I admit I feel a little out of place in my dorky bike helmet, wearing big wool socks on my hands while riding my bike at night. But all in all it's a nice urban seaside town. And there is work to be found for those who seek it out, and hopefully surf.

I have taken up Tae kwon Do again, after a 9 year hiatus. The school is great, I appreciate their philosophy about martial arts and training, and the instructor and students have been very welcoming. TKD is a passion I had forgot about over the past years and I am finding it rewarding already, and I think it is a good supplement to my surfing.

Down the stairs......

....and out the back door....

...down the path... the water.

A visit to Warilla and Beyond

I don't know why, but when i am in Australia i always win the meat raffle, me and my winning leg of lamb at the Warilla Pub.
Another beautiful beach, rocky and wonderful.
Saddle back mt. look out.
The spoils of a lovely sunday drive.
Sydney Opera House all lit up for Sydney's Vivid festival of lights in June.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A few Snaps From NZ

On the way to Opunake...
Morning Toast

Chris and I

Photo shoot at Green Meadows with a few new friends.

Contest Site

Green Meadows

Last Brunch together, new friends and old friends...

Just when I thought I had left Kneeboard Surfing Extravaganza behind.....These crazy kneelo characters showed up in Port Waikato a few days after the comp. We had a surf together, fish and chips and ice cream.

Corrogated Iron Sheep in Tirau, NZ